COVID-19 live updates: Total number of cases passes 4.1 million

2020/5/4 13:40:04

05/11/2020 13:49 GMT — MNT readers’ top coping strategies, and why they work

Restrictive measures aimed at curbing the COVID-19 pandemic have changed the lives of people all over the world. In a Special Feature, we asked our readers and contributors to share their best coping strategies.

Indoor or outdoor exercise, yoga, meditation, and forms of prayer were some things that people have found helpful, and research supports associations between these types of activities and overall health. 

Others told us that spending time outside, playing video or board games, and learning new skills topped their lists. 

Perhaps the most challenging restriction has been physical distancing. Almost everyone reaching out to MNT said that they cope by using phone and video calls to stay in touch with family and friends.

(From Web)